Announcing - Five regional Student Assistance Programming (SAP) two-day
trainings, which are being offered, free of charge, by the Virginia Department of Education and the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Project Treat (Training and Resource for Effective Adolescent Treatment). Project Treat is a grant initiative funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA).
SAP is a comprehensive K-12 approach to prevent and to address violence, substance use and mental health issues that interfere with student learning. It is a systematic process for school-based teams to work collaboratively with community resources to prevent or minimize these barriers. SAP is data-driven and utilizes existing school and community resources to address issues impacting school climate and individual students.
The trainings are designed for a school division or a school to send a team of five individuals. The team should include education and community counseling agency staff and a parent. A principal, a division level staff person or a school board member should be one of the education representatives on the team. Each training session is limited to twelve teams.
February 19 & 20, Williamsburg
February 21 & 22, Richmond
March 4 & 5, Harrisonburg
April 10 & 11, Abingdon
April 15 & 16, Caroline County
Teams will be accepted according to the date the registrations are received.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Lodging and travel expenses will be the responsibility of the participants. Expenses may be paid from federal funding already available to the school division under the Safe and Drug-Free schools program.
To register, click on the following link: the training is full, you are having trouble registering or you need to cancel, please contact Nancy Campbell, administrative assistant (VDOE), at (804)225-2910 or For any other additional information, contact Jo Ann Burkholder, specialist for safe and drug-free schools program (VDOE), at 804-371-7586 or