Tuesday, June 3, 2008

ASIST Training

The Central Shenandoah Valley Youth Suicide Prevention Program will be sponsoring two “ASIST” (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) programs in the fall of 2008.

This training is widely used by people in a variety of front line positions. Our program focuses on youth suicide prevention, however helpers in all roles are welcome to attend.

The ASIST program will be offered on two occasions this fall; each training will accommodate 30 participants. The training fee is $75.00. All training materials will be provided and a light breakfast will be served each day.

Please register only if you are able to attend the entire two days. If you would like to participate in an ASIST, but are unable to fully attend on these dates, contact me and I will put you on our waiting list for the next scheduled training, which will be in early 2009.

Fall 2008 ASIST training dates are:
1. October 27-28, 2008 at the Educational Building at Augusta Medical Center.
2. Nov. 20-21, 2008 in Detwiler Auditorium at the Va.Mennonite Retirement Center

On-line registration is available at: http://www.preventsuicidecsv.org/events.php, however your registration will not be complete until your check is received.

Remember, trainings are limited to 30 participants each so please register soon.

...from Jane Wiggins, Program Director

NSPL Lifeline Gallery

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Gallery: Stories of Hope and Recovery
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is set to launch the Lifeline Gallery: Stories of Hope and Recovery. The Gallery allows suicide survivors, attempt survivors, and advocates to share their stories online. Before the site is launched to the public, the Lifeline needs help from the suicide prevention community to populate the gallery and set the tone for a safe and useful site. Please visit the Lifeline Gallery and share your story as a suicide prevention advocate, worker, crisis center director, volunteer, attempt survivor, survivor, or supporter.

From The Weekly Spark

Happenings: Collateral Damage

ACTS/Helpline and the Manassas City Police Department provided suicide prevention training for members of law enforcement entitled, “Collateral Damage: Suicide Prevention for Law Enforcement.” The training was held on April 24, 2008 at the George Mason satelite campus located in Manassas, Virginia. Over eighty law enforcement personnel, from several jurisdications, attended the one day event which included warnings sings of suicide, stress management, burn out, self care and accessing help when necessary.

Robert Douglas, the Executive Director of the National P.O.L.I.C.E. Suicide Foundation participated as the guest speaker. Officer Lt. Meg Carroll of the Manassas City Police provided materials and helped organize the event.

Sent in by Vicki Graham.